Model System Dynamics with Block Diagrams

Engineers often use block diagrams to achieve better understanding of dynamic systems. The block diagram shows cause and effect and is especially useful for complex systems that may contain a mixture of electrical, mechanical and digital controller elements.

This figure shows a block diagram example of a system that can be described by differential equations and difference equations.  It represents a motion control system with linear and non-linear components.

Express dynamics visually for easier understanding

Visual representations can reduce the mystery of dynamical systems. These systems are often described by ordinary differential equations. For linear systems, the differential equation can be transformed into an algebraic equation by using the Laplace transform (s-domain). Digital controllers sample continuous systems. The equations in a controller can be described by difference equations (z-domain or z-transform). Many non-linear effects such as saturation, hysteresis or friction are important to consider in practical applications. SimApp can model all of these effects in a single visual block diagram.

Achieve more robust designs with SimApp

SimApp can be used to examine the time response or the frequency response of the dynamic system once the model is built. The effect of parameter variations can be quickly examined. The designer then may specify component changes without buying expensive prototypes. Opportunities to relax tolerances can result in lower costs. Design cycles can be shortened by testing controller design ideas.